This e-Learning for Healthcare course has been designed to explain why it is our responsibility as health professionals to provide brief interventions to identify and influence smoking and alcohol use in hospital patients.  

Please direct all subject matter queries to:

The Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice e-learning project (Alcohol IBA) helps professionals to identify those individuals whose drinking might impact their health, now or in the future and to deliver simple, structured advice aimed at reducing this risk. This course is for delivering alcohol IBA in a Hospital setting.

This was developed in collaboration with Public Health England.

NICE public health guideline PH24: Alcohol-use disorders: prevention, recommends that health and social care, criminal justice and community and voluntary sector professionals should routinely carry out alcohol risk identification and deliver brief advice as an integral part of practice.

For any queries please email Leesa Everett on:

Making Every Contact Count is an approach to behaviour change that utilises the millions of day-to-day interactions that organisations and people have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Making Every Contact Count enables the opportunistic delivery of consistent and concise healthy lifestyle information and enables individuals to engage in conversations about their health at scale across organisations and populations. Drawing on behaviour change evidence, the approach maximises the opportunity within routine health and care interactions for a brief or very brief discussion on health and wellbeing factors.

Please direct any questions regarding content to Hilary Naudi (Making Every Contact Count Coordinator) by email at

Welcome to this short online training module on very brief advice on smoking (VBA) 

The training programme is built around evidence-based behaviour change techniques that provide an understanding of the factors involved in smoking and smoking cessation, and include practical interventions that we know will make a significant difference to the chances of your clients becoming permanent ex-smokers.

The link will take you to an external site.

For any queries on this subject please email Gill Guclu at

A list of staff with access to your course data can be found here